Thursday, January 31, 2008

aNotHeR bUsy dAy!

wOw! Today was so hectic at work I didnt even get a chance to post!! I also didn't go to school tonight because I got off work late and I was tooo tired to face the nasty traffic on the 401!

I also haven't gone to the gym since Tuesday!!! boooooo I've been sick though with a nasty cough and I dont want to push it... tomorrows my 3rd WI I wonder if not going to the gym will effect the scale negatively! I really hope not! It's funny though, I haven't gone to the gym and I feel horrible about it! It's like my body is craving the excercise... Never thought I'd feel that way! I'll definitly be going to the gym tomorrow night and probably be doing some cardio and a Pump class (my new fav. class)

I cant believe tomorrows Friday already! this week FLEW by!!! But thats definitly fine by me! Anyway, my cousins coming over with her Wii! gotta go get ready!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

MoRniNg yA'll

Another busy day ahead of me! I can' believe its the end of January! Time is flying soooo fast! and my birthdays coming up! (Feb. 12)
Last night I went to the gym and we decided to give the classes a rest for a little bit! I really had to push myself to go because I wasn't feeling very well... but after a hard core 1/2 hour on the elliptical, a nice moderate 1/2 hour on the treadmill and a whole lota sweat! I was glad I went! I felt better afterwords!
Today I'm going for lunch with all the staff at the old program that I was working with, I worked there for 4 and a half years and the program ended a couple of weeks ago so it'll be a goodbye lunch :( the bad news is, the restaurant we're going to (Louisiana's) doesn't have Nutrition Information!!! so I'm not sure what I'll order.
Watched Biggest Loser tonight! it was so sad that Maggie's friend left! That's to bad, I really thought the Black team would have had a great WI! Anyone else think the teams are unfair?? the Blue team has 5 men! of course their WI's are going to be huge!
Anyway! Gotta get some work done!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

i'M gEttiNg siCk.... AgAin!!!

I don't know how its possible to get sick twice in the same month! But I'm proof it actually does happen! I'm coming down with a cold but I've loaded up on Buckley's and Fisherman's Friend! I went in to see my Doctor this morning and he sent me to get a chest X-ray done! I'll be doing that after work! I hope everything is OK...
Besides all that I went to the gym last night, met up with Christina and we did a Body Flow Class (yoga) and a Body Jam (Dance) class... The Yoga was awesome! remind you I haven't done yoga in a very long time so some of the moves were quite tricky! And the dance class was hilarious! you should see some of the moves we were all trying to pull off!! The instructor made it look so easy!! and good... Christina and I couldn't stop laughing! I don't think we'll be doing that class again it was way too funny!
Today is my 21st day OP!!!! this is awesome! I'm really proud of myself and I'm actually feeling really good! Who woulda thunk? lol
Anyway, off to start my long busy day!

Monday, January 28, 2008

i hAte mOndAys!

Another weekend past and now its Monday again!
Mondays are the hardest days for me to get out of bed! I wish we had a long weekend every weekend! They go way to fast!
I had a pretty good weekend! 27 Dresses is sooooo cute! but to tell you the truth I liked
P.S. I Love you, better! (another chick flick) P.S I love you is one of my Favorite books! the book in my opinion is always better then the movie but this movie was actually pretty good. if you haven't read this book RUN to chapters and buy it!!! it is sooo good!!
Besides the movie I got to spend time with my cousin and with Ash! Ash and I took it upon ourselves to do absolutely nothing on Sunday! we actually stayed in our pj's all day and watched FRIENDS! (I've been collecting the series) it was so relaxing and it felt good!
As per being OP.... I did Body Pump again on Friday night along with 1/2 hour of cardio and Saturday Morning I got about 45 minutes of Cardio in at the gym... I tracked everything on Saturday but had a hard time on Sunday because the Internet was down. I did pretty good though, I did have pizza on Saturday but tracked it and was pretty good for the remainder of the weekend...
Anyway enough blabbing! I'm off to start my day at work :(
Happy Monday to you all!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Well thank God its Friday!! What a busy week!
Friday's are my WI days... So I stepped on the scale this morning expecting to see the same numbers as yesterday (up 2 pounds) but to my surprise I lost those 2 pounds and stayed the same weight as last week! hey it's not a loss, but its also not a gain!! Which is fine by me!! hopefully I'll have a good loss next week...
So tonight I'm doing another Pump class. I'm brave, I know! after struggling to walk all week because of this class I'm going to torture my legs again and start all over with the pain! So I'm meeting Christina (one of my best friends) 45 minutes before the class, getting some cardio on the elliptical and then heading to pump some iron! lol
I don't have to much planned for the weekend... Friday nights are usually my "girls" nights and DBF hangs out with his "Boys" so Sandra (my cousin) and I are going to watch 27 Dresses! and tomorrow during the day I'm hanging out with my other cousin and her baby girl (5 months) and then not to sure what else!
Weekends are the hardest for me for staying on plan, luckily I have all my flex points and I'll definitely be tracking everything!
Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

kiNda diSaPpoiNted!

So this morning I stepped on the scale to have a peak before tomorrows official WI and I was very disappointed to see that I was up 2 pounds! I don't understand why!! I have been totally OP all week and have been working my butt off! My mom thinks it might be muscle weight but I'm not totally convinced on that!!!

I went to the gym last night I needed to be pushed because I was just sooo exhausted but I had a great work out on the Elliptical and Treadmill!

Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day??? That's how I've been feeling lately! I get off work at 4:30 go home have a snack and head to the gym by the time I get home I have dinner and feel soo drained! Poor Ash (DBF) has to hang out with an over tired girlfriend all the time! lol

I have school tonight! booooooooo For those of you that don't know I'm at York University Part time (1 night a week) working towards a BA so that I can get into teachers college! I really hate school and I wish that I can get into teachers college with experience instead of schooling... I'm more of a hands on type of girl! I was in college for 3 years and got my Child and Youth Worker diploma but after working in the field for a while I decided that I'd love to be an elementary school teacher! ughh! which meant I had to go to Uni.

Anyway enough blabbing! Gotta get to work!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

bUsy! BuSy! bUsY!!!

Wow things have gotten busy around here! I started a new position at work it'll just be for a few months but we're organizing a huge project for the end of March! I share an office with 3 other people luckily 3 out of 4 of us are counting points! which makes things a lot easier!

Last night I went to the gym again we tried another New Release class called "Combat" ohhhh boyyy was it hard! I actually ended up leaving it half way through because it was too fast paced for me and my legs were still very sore from the day before. I jumped on the tredmill though and had a nice moderate walk...

Anyone watch Biggest Loser last night? this is one of my favorite shows right now! I can't believe how much these people work out! it's insane! I joined the WW version of BLC Challenge and I'm on the AQUA team! our stats are outstanding! GOOOO TEAM AQUA!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My firSt pOst...

Ok so I've been reading some other peoples blogs and decided that this might be a great thing for me... So I think I'll try it out and see how it goes...
I'm Jessie I'm 25 years old and I have been on and off WW for years and I've decided that 2008 is my year! so far so goood and I hope to continue the journey!I've struggled with my weight all my life and I've decided to change that this year! I want to stop thinking about how gross I feel and start doing something about it! I have all the support a girl can ever ask for and I'm very excited to do this once and for all!
Last night I had a date with one of my best friends at the gym! We did a Body Pump class and it was fantastic except for today I'm really sore! I took a nice bubble bath after the gym hoping that it would help this morning but it didn't! to tell you the truth I love the soreness! it justifies a great workout!