Monday, January 28, 2008

i hAte mOndAys!

Another weekend past and now its Monday again!
Mondays are the hardest days for me to get out of bed! I wish we had a long weekend every weekend! They go way to fast!
I had a pretty good weekend! 27 Dresses is sooooo cute! but to tell you the truth I liked
P.S. I Love you, better! (another chick flick) P.S I love you is one of my Favorite books! the book in my opinion is always better then the movie but this movie was actually pretty good. if you haven't read this book RUN to chapters and buy it!!! it is sooo good!!
Besides the movie I got to spend time with my cousin and with Ash! Ash and I took it upon ourselves to do absolutely nothing on Sunday! we actually stayed in our pj's all day and watched FRIENDS! (I've been collecting the series) it was so relaxing and it felt good!
As per being OP.... I did Body Pump again on Friday night along with 1/2 hour of cardio and Saturday Morning I got about 45 minutes of Cardio in at the gym... I tracked everything on Saturday but had a hard time on Sunday because the Internet was down. I did pretty good though, I did have pizza on Saturday but tracked it and was pretty good for the remainder of the weekend...
Anyway enough blabbing! I'm off to start my day at work :(
Happy Monday to you all!


Anonymous said...

I loved 27 Dresses! I totally have a girl crush on Katherine Heigl. I haven't seen PS: I Love You yet. I'm kind of afraid it'll be too sad for me! :P

JessiesBlog said...

The movie (P.S I love you) wasn't that sad but the book however I cried the whole time!!!

Jamie Lyn said...

I really want to see both movies! I don't think PS I love you is still showing here so I will need to wait until the dvd comes out :(
Congrats on staying OP this weekend; weekends can be the hardest.

Jamie Lyn

TinyTrim said...

I hate Mondays, too!

Hopefully you didn't feel as sore after the Body Pump class. It sounds like a really tough workout, good for you!

JessiesBlog said...

I wasn't too sore because they focused more on upperbody so at least I was able to walk! lol But it's an awesome workout...